Authentic Italian Anise Biscotti


The only thing better than a hot cup of coffee in the morning, is a hot cup of coffee with a biscotti. These sweet, crunchy Italian cookies are the perfect cookies for “dunking.” Unlike other cookies, they don’t crumble apart in your mug!

And, if you want to have the “authentic Italian biscotti experience,” you can dunk your biscotti in red wine — that’s what the Italian side of my family does 😊. The recipe I’m sharing with you, today, is my Grandpa Carmen’s recipe for Anise Biscotti – he’s been making these cookies for years and they are a staple treat at family gatherings. These biscotti are sweet and satisfying, and the Anise oil adds a unique and delicious flavor. If you want to indulge yourself a little at breakfast time (or after dinner with a glass of wine), this recipe is perfect for you!

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