

One of my most cherished memories from college is a little “Thanksgiving-mas” brunch I was invited to on a Sunday afternoon. The invitation came about three-quarters of the way through fall semester, just as I was beginning to feel really burnt out. I had allowed papers, projects, tests, and other commitments to replace my peace. Adding to my weariness, because of the travel restrictions related to Covid, our usual (and much-needed) mid-semester breaks had been cut from the academic calendar—in essence, until those Christmas bells started ringing the sound of winter break, we were in it for the long haul.  

At the very moment that anxiety and discouragement threatened to overwhelm me — a sweet friend invited me and a few other girls to take a break and celebrate Thanksgiving/Christmas at her apartment. It was the little bit of hope and light that I needed to make it through the week.

When Sunday arrived, my friend welcomed me into her apartment. I stopped at the door and stared in wonder at her kitchen-turned-Hallmark-movie-set. She had hung twinkly lights and fall decor all about the room, hauled in a mini-Amish fireplace for a cozy effect, and put on some Christmas tunes in the background. As she finished preparing and setting out coffee, eggs, fruit, and delicious pumpkin pancakes, she ushered us to the kitchen table where we found paper and colored markers. We were invited to write down a list of things we were thankful for—a Thanksgiving tradition in her family.

My soul was filled to overflowing. I am sure my friend was feeling all the same pressures of school that I was—yet, she took the time out of her week to uplift us, planning and preparing this amazing Sunday brunch.

After many laughs and good food and conversation, we went around the table and read our gratitude lists. At a time when I was so discouraged and overwhelmed, I realized that I had so much to be grateful for. The Thanksgiving-mas brunch had provided me with an opportunity to step back and take stock of my life. While surrounded in love and hospitality, I was able to reclaim my peace.  And my eyes were opened to all of God’s good blessings in my life—including those special friends sitting beside me.

It is often so easy, in the moment—when everything seems like it’s going wrong—to forget all the ways that our Good Father is providing for us and walking beside us. As I reflect on this memory, I am reminded of how much I have—in every season of life—to be thankful for. I keep my “Thanksgiving-mas gratitude list” close to me as a reminder of this.  And I’ve made a commitment to institute gratitude as a daily practice in my life.

Practicing gratitude

For me, practicing gratitude often takes the form of a daily prayer journal. But there are so many other ways to institute gratitude as a daily practice, including meditation, gratitude rocks or journals, thank you notes, and simply everyday interactions with others.

All sorts of research points to the benefits of gratitude – increased happiness, optimism, and generosity, stronger relationships, improved physical health, etc.  However, most importantly, throughout the Scriptures, we are constantly reminded to praise and give thanks to the Lord. Whether you are feeling empty or full, whether you are walking through the desert or rejoicing in the harvest—praise the One who loves you and who offers you the peace and hope you need to see you through.  


 All of my life. In every season. You are still God. I have a reason to sing. I have a reason to worship. ~ Desert Song

“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.” ~ 1 Chronicles 16:8

“Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them.” ~ Psalm 107:21

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” ~ Psalm 34:8

4 Replies to “Gratitude”

  1. So much to be grateful for!! Sometimes the daily “tasks” we have to do can really put stress in our lives. I love the idea of writing a list of things I am grateful for! I have read and reread the Scriptures you shared, very inspiring to me.
    Such a great read! Thank you sharing!

  2. Beautiful! I’m a friend of your aunt michelle. So encouraged by your heart as a young woman of faith!

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