Bread of Angels

bread of angels

Tessa Afshar’s Bread of Angels is a masterfully written work of biblical fiction and a rich well of wisdom and encouragement for the heart. The novel immerses readers in the historical context of the New Testament and introduces them to the protagonist, Lydia of Thyatira, dyer of purple (later to become the first convert to Christianity in Europe; see Acts 16).

After reading Lydia’s story and the interwoven accounts of Jewish history, I saw the world afresh and found myself more readily trusting in the Lord’s providence for my own life. This book was truly uplifting and transformative. Using the life experiences of Lydia, the novel reminded me how I can give my fears and anxieties to Him in return for a true and unshakable peace in this life.

When readers of Bread of Angels first encounter young Lydia, her small, familiar world revolves around two things—her dear father, Eumenes, and the workshop where the two spend their days dying fabrics in brilliant shades of purple. Lydia is brave, likeable, and quick-witted, yet she is haunted by memories of childhood tragedy and plagued with the constant companion of fear and worry.

One day, Lydia meets her worst fears face-to-face. Stripped of everything she knows and loves, Lydia is forced to flee home and start over. Despite trials and the weight of shame and betrayal that she bears, it is clear that the Lord is steadily drawing her closer to Him. As Lydia matures, she learns to trust the God of the Hebrews for her daily needs, and her kind and generous heart earns her many faithful friends (one of which is the Apostle Paul).

However, a final test of faith awaits Lydia. When the ghosts of her past catch up with her and threaten to overwhelm her, Lydia must wage war against her old, oppressive nemesis—fear—and find the strength to overcome and carry on.

Afshar’s Bread of Angels gets five stars from me. It’s a truly engaging, encouraging story and salve for the God-hungry soul. If you’re looking for a good book to add to your summer reading list, Bread of Angels is the perfect pick!

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